Many Are Going Astray

Make America Green Again

Many Avaricious Goons Around

Monsters Always Go Amok

Mamas Applauding Grabbing Ass

“Make America Great Again” (MAGA) is an empty slogan that sways only those unable to consider its meaning (or rather its lack of meaning). In the right world context and with the right motivations and considerations of all, I could perhaps get behind the idea “Make America Great” (again, as long as the implication is not “and to hell with the rest”), but the addition of “Again” throws the phrase into nonsense. Simply put, never was there a time in the past—implied by “Again”—when the U.S. met every possible definition of “Great” for every individual citizen existing at that time. Absolutely never. Regardless of which political ideologues (so-called conservatives or so-called liberals) might wield such a slogan, it rallies only thoughtless, selfish people who interpret it according to some imaginary time/place they’ve romanticized the country as being good for them and their kind (and probably only for them and their kind).

Monkey Apes Gorilla Ancestors

Mikey Ate Goddamn Anything

Morals Are Going Away

Mean Abhorrent Grubby Abominable