[Due to excessive commenting from Russian bots, I have stopped allowing comments on this blog. If you are not a Russian bot (or a bot of any other persuasion) and would like to comment, please email me at michaelamoscody@gmail.com.]

He is a man of
deep ignorance,
extravagant arrogance,
blatant immorality,
and no heartfelt convictions
(not counting those thirty-four, of course).

He is a man who cares nothing
about you or me,
about our lives in America,
about America itself.

He is a celebrity
(celebrated for being a rich ass)
and nothing more,
a third-rate stand-up comedian,
maybe fourth-rate.

He is the leader of a cult known as his “base”
(consider the adjectival meanings of base).
He has captured the devotion of that base
with a slogan (MAGA, catchy but meaningless),
a ridiculous little dance,
and lies as big or small as needed.

If you support the man
after his conviction on thirty-four felony counts,
after his attaches on women,
on immigrants (fleeing to the United States–
not to take your jobs
but to find, they hope, better lives),
on those with disabilities,
after he has attacked anybody or said anything
he thought might get him some masturbatory applause,
then I can’t help thinking that,
at some level,
you are like him.

[Due to excessive commenting from Russian bots, I have stopped allowing comments on this blog. If you are not a Russian bot (or a bot of any other persuasion) and would like to comment, please email me at michaelamoscody@gmail.com.]