Busy day, this September 2nd of 2020, thirty-one years after that September 2nd in 1989. I turn sixty-two in a few months, as will Leesa, which means that we’ve been married half our lives!

We did make time for a great early anniversary supper at Red Meze!
We’re not big on cards and such, so I woke up this morning wondering how I might commemorate the anniversary this year. I didn’t have time to write a song, so I thought I’d share a bunch of the songs Leesa inspired in whole or in part. Most of them were written before September 2nd, 1989, so they’re not all happy songs. . . .
- Wonderful Life
- Soul Mates
- The One Great Love
- Happy Ending
- Thunder & Lightning
- El Dorado
- There Was Always a Train
- None But the Lonely Heart
- The Light in Your Eyes
- Daisy
- Dizzy from the Distance
- Genesis Road
- Best I’ve Ever Seen
- Waiting for the Night
- Promises
- In Old Chicago
- Counting the Days
- One Desire
- Rain on the River
- Say the Word
- Real Love
- Before There Was You
- Fallin’ for You Again
- I Just Can’t Find the Words
- Castle Without a Queen
- Jamboree
- She’s a Wild One
- I Came for the Gold
- Leesa, Listen
- Landscapes
- Life Before You
Been listening to all the songs on your list. So blessed to have worked with you for many years. You are my favorite songwriter and artist ever and a great human being that i get to call friend. Love you my brother. When this world passes we will play for eternity….better get your chops up. I’m practicing now since Gene is so freakin’ good on that freakin’ guitar! I want to add a few licks in to show him up. But i know ill just be adding riffs to songs that are complete. Whatever! Love you my brother!
Your other comment on the songs, “Beautiful,” was appreciated! But you must be aware that much of the beauty in listening to the songs exists because of your terrific musicality — our friend Gene’s amazing guitar work notwithstanding — and your generosity with time and energy in studios on Michigan Avenue and in Bellevue. We’ve had so many great days as friends and collaborators. And I appreciate your compliments regarding my songwriting and artistry. It always pleased me to write songs that pleased you, songs that we enjoyed playing live together. Sometimes I still get bent out of shape — this past Saturday while mowing the yard, for instance — that we never made it as far as we could have done and that when I’m gone all that music will be lost and forgotten. But it was a good time we had, making music that has been the soundtrack for a great friendship. Love you, too, my brother.