So, I started this post on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, but then — needing to head out to meet Sam for beer, wings, and conversation — decided to put it aside for a “Throwback Thursday” visit to my old diaries. I know it’s now actually the 5th, but I’m going to stick with these entries I found for December 4s in 1977 and 1981.

December 4, 1977, near the end of my first semester as a flute major at Mars Hill College . . .
Captain’s Log: Stardate 120.477
I haven’t felt this tired in I don’t [know] how long. I haven’t really done anything so I guess it must be the dread of exams coming. I was down practicing flute and nearly fell asleep in the middle of a scale.
I spent the whole day singing. Led singing this morning in SS and church, then at 2:30 we started practice for the pageant and practiced til we left at 5 o’clock to come out to Walnut and practice another hour-and-a-half.
I didn’t take Leesa out tonight. I decided it would be best to study tonight and tomorrow night and see her Tuesday at the ballgame. I wonder why she suddenly decided to get in touch with me, on her own, after so long, but it don’t bother me none. Yet, I think it does bother Mom and I’m not sure why. I guess I need to find out. . . .
December 4, 1981, when I was living at home in Walnut, writing songs and working at Mike Tweed’s sport store in west Asheville.
Captain’s Log Stardate 8112.04
Since I got up this morning it has been snowing but the ground’s too warm and it’s not laying at all. All day long I’ve just listened to the radio. I talked to Ron a couple of times but it was just BSing. Once I called him because I heard a song Sonny Limbo, a friend of Ron’s, produced. It’s on the charts and called “Key Largo” and it’s pretty good. The evening is take up with TV, reading, and writing. I did a little work on “Friday Night Serenade.” . . .

I’ll try to make Throwback Thursday a regular thing here, although it’ll probably be more regular-ish. And next week, December 12, I’ll try to find entries from the correct date!